Saturday, April 23, 2011


Easter is a time that we should all reflect on our lives and be thankful for what we have. Thankful for what has been given up for us. Tonight, we went to Easter service at our church. Because of Keith's leg deficit from his surgery, normally we ask to be seated places before everyone else. This is so that no one trips him or he feels hurried. We don't ask for special treatment, just for people to help us out a little. But today, when we walked passed some people in line, an older man with a cane rolled his eyes and muttered something about his handicap "not being good enough to go to the front of the line". Oh man, did that touch a nerve. How dare he criticize Keith, he had no idea what Keith has been through. I took a step back though and decided I really have no clue what is going on in life. I bit my tongue and decided to instead pray for him and the return of his happiness.

Easter is a time for family, for rejoicing, and being thankful for what we have. I can't believe my time at home is already coming to an end. They say things get easier with time but its been 4 years that I've been going away to college and its not any easier to leave home than it was when I was a freshman. Its also been a year since we started this battle with cancer, and it's not any easier now then the day we found out. I guess out of all of this I just hope that everyone will be thankful for what they have every single day. Not just holidays such as Thanksgiving or Christmas or Easter. I believe that God has a plan for my life, and that I should not argue with what happens. So I leave you with this:


confidence or trust in a person or thing
belief that is not based on proof
belief in god or in the doctrines or teachings of religion

Χριστός ανέστη

(Christ is Risen)

1 comment:

  1. Definition number 2 has always been the hardest for me because of the cards I have been dealt. I used to think the idea of a higher power was impossible because of the bad things that had happened to me but since I had Jackson I realized I was looking at it all wrong. The good in my life among the bad proves there is!

    Enjoy your blog, they are such a great way to get things off your chest!
    Always here,
