Monday, June 13, 2011


Two updates in a row. Obviously I am home with some free time because this never happens. I'll make this short though. Today Keith received news that his MRI was once again stable. The magic word, stable. Thank you to everyone for all of your prayers, thoughts, kind words, and support. I would not be able to get through all of this without them. As for my parents, they are off to Mexico for some much needed relaxation while I head back to Springfield to work. Is this what being a grown up is like? Because if it is, I don't want to grow up, ever.

As for the sports world, the NBA finals are finally over. We can finally stop hearing constantly about the self-annoited King Lebron James. I do feel a tiny bit bad for him because for the next few months he will endlessly be the brunt of all kinds of jokes. My personal favorite so far, "The reason Lebron never went to college was because he knew he would fail the finals." He brought it on himself though if you ask me. Lebron averaged only 17.8 points during the Finals which is nearly 9 points less than his normal game average of 26.7 points.

Also, I am all for athletes giving credit to the Man upstairs but Lebron's tweet last night "The Greater Man upstairs knows when it's my time, right now just isn't the time" felt more like he was placing the blame for his lack luster performance during the Finals on God instead of himself. But who am I to judge right?

Besides, at the rate the sports industry is going we will have no football or basketball next season. I am keeping my fingers crossed that these execs figure out their differences and put an end to all this lockout talk. I just want to watch sports. Until next time. xox

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