I guess after an almost 2 month long hiatus its time for an update. Although my life is rather monotonous, I figured anyone who reads this is bound to get tired of reading about cards game after cards game after cards game and I wish I had more to write about. But alas, I sit here and hope that time goes by slowly before its time to return to yet another game.
Summer is on its way out and I can't say that I am too terribly upset. I'm ready for fall, ready for school even, ready for cooler weather and an end to this blistering heat and sweaters and boots. This summer has definitely been an excellent one. Full of laughter and good times with good friends. Although, its hard to imagine life without seeing these people that I've come so accustomed to seeing every day. The news is telling me to stay inside because of the heat, so what do I do go work outside and these people have endured through it with me every step of the way. The break in the heat that we have right now is so glorious, a little peek for whats to come for fall.
This summer has been one I will never forget. I am feeling positive towards whats to come. There isn't much new going on. I am enjoying a relatively stress-free, definitely drama-free lifestyle. There are of course bumps in the road from time to time. But for now life is stable and I can't complain there. I'm back in a continuous work out schedule and living an all around healthy lifestyle. It's been a long time since I've truly just focused on myself and it is truly a great feeling. I really can say for once that I am content with where I am in my life.

"I prayed for peace and learned to accept otherwise unconditionally"
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