Saturday, January 14, 2012


Well I officially failed at my new goal, but hey its a new year so maybe we can give this whole blogging thing a try again.  I've been perusing the blog world in my very limited spare time and am inspired by the women in the blogging community.  Even though nothing very interesting goes on in my life, I'm going to attempt to link up with a few blog ladies and their blogging activities.  We will see how this goes.

Break has been nothing short of a whirlwind.  Classes begin again in 2 days and I am looking forward to it.  I'm ready for the routine of it all.  I am definitely a creature of habit.  Break was wonderful, stressful, exhausting but I definitely loved every second of the family time.

On Monday, Keith received his second stable MRI in a row since being taken off of one of his chemos.  I am so extraordinarily grateful for the blessings my family continues to receive.  Every day is a blessing to have my stepdad still in my life.  So if you're out there, praying for my family, thank you does not even begin to explain my gratitude.  The doctors are cautiously optimistic with Keith's prognosis and if you have ever known anyone with cancer, the doctors don't use that word when speaking about the future.  We are so excited to be on the winning end of this battle for the first time in a while.  Keep praying, its obviously working.


1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear about your stepdad! It makes me happy when good things happen to good people!
