I have a disease called celiac. If you're not quite sure what that is let me try to explain it in more understandable lingo. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease associated with a toxic reaction in the intestines to gluten. Gluten is the common name for a protein found in specific grains, most specifically wheat. Incase you were wondering, wheat is in everything. From chips to crackers to bread to beer to even certain beauty products. I'll spare you the details but it prevents my body from being able to absorb the necessary nutrients from my food. I have to scrutinize every piece of food I put in my mouth.
When I was first diagnosed with this, I was relieved. I had been feeling pretty terrible and it felt good to have a reason behind the misery. But that feeling quickly left. Lately, I feel discouraged. I used to love food, all kinds, and now I must watch everything I eat. Although, I am trying to just be thankful that the medicine for this disease is simple, a gluten free diet. Hopefully in time, my body will rebound from all the damage I was doing to it by blindly eating gluten not knowing it was the cause of my misery and I will feel back to normal. Until then, its a day to day battle.
no more wheat products for me!
On a happier note, I am thrilled to announce that the jewelry I bought from Elisabeth Ashlie finally came in the mail. Most of you who read this also read The Small Things Blog and From My Grey Desk and they have a jewelry business over on Etsy. All of it is to die for. I seriously have to try and not order every single piece of jewelry on there. Heres a little peek at my new treasures:
I could hardly contain myself to take this
picture before opening them to find....
these beautiful pieces of art well jewelry
but they're so gorgeous.
**UPDATE** I just ordered more jewelry from Elisabeth Ashlie. I love their unique style of earrings and necklaces!! I think I have a problem!!
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