Sunday, April 15, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

Happy Sunday!

Hip hip hooray for me!  Robin over at Sunshine State of Mind nominated me for this cute little blog award. Robin is such a sweet heart and a fellow gluten free gal!  It's always exciting for me to find someone else who lives gluten free, I don't feel quite so alone.

Okay, so the Liebster Blog Award is for bloggers with 200 or less followers.  Let me tell you guys, I did a little jig when I reached 20 followers so you bet your bottom if I ever reach 200 followers I just might cry.  Anyway, here's how it works. 

  1. Choose five up and coming blogs to give the award to, must have 200 or less followers
  2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them
  3. Post the award on your blog
  4. List the blogs you gave the award to with links to their sites.  Leave a comment on their blog to let them know they have received the award
  5. Share five random facts about yourself
And the winners are... [cheesy I know]
Elizabeth over at Fearless & Frugal // she may not know it but I love all her budget tips! College girl on budget right here
Courtney over at Life Well Expected // she's brand new to blogging and always posts the sweetest comments on my blog!
Megan over at And Today was a Fairy Tale // she always posts tons of pictures and I am a sucker for those.  A picture is worth a thousand words. OH, and the verse at the bottom of her blog is totally my have.
Brielle over at Adventures of Law School // number one: I could never go to law school well even survive law school so big props to her and number two I feel like we have the same sense of humor sometimes.  
Michelle over at Shell Bell // first her and her hubs are too cute for words and second her layout is done in mint green.  No explanation necessary

Five random facts about little ole me: 
  1. I have a gluten allergy that pretty much takes the fun out of eating sometimes.  But I'm slowly figuring it out
  2. I'm pretty short ok, really short  4'11" hayyy!
  3. I absolutely would not be where I am at now without my incredible family.
  4. I am freakishly attached to my Erin Condren life planner [if you don't know what that is, you need to check it out. It will change your life.  Check it out here]
  5. I absolutely love to laugh.  Make me laugh, and we'll be friends forever.
Well that sure was fun.  Thanks again Robin for the nomination.  I like this award.  It remembers us little guys in the blogging world!

Sad to say tomorrow is Monday, but hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

Until next time,


  1. Yayyy! I can't wait to do this! AndI never would have guessed you were 4 11!! That is awesome!! I am always jealous of shorter people (I am almost a foot taller than you!)!

  2. The gluten allergy seems to be more common these days! You'd think they'd make better/yummier food minus the gluten!

  3. Thank you again for the award!! I'm so happy to see that you are also vertically challenged...I'm 5 feet but I usually try to say that I'm 5'1" and on a good day, I even try to get away with saying I'm 5'2" lol but hey, at least it's an excuse for us to wear ridiculously cute super high heels :)

  4. YAY Happy award postttttt!!!


  5. Just found your blog, and I like it! Im your newest follower ;)

    Happy Monday,

  6. Aww thanks girl! You are SO sweet! :) And I love your blog!

  7. you are too sweet! love reading your blog! thank you so so much sweet girl!
