Monday, October 15, 2012

*Insert Bad Break up Song Here*

By this point you all have probably stopped checking to see if I am going to update again.  I was going to say that I was taking a "hiatus" from blogging but the reality of it is that well, blogging and I broke up.  We needed space to say the least.

I had lost the inspiration to write.  Nothing felt good enough to post to the world to see.  So needless to say, blogging and I are working things out.  And I am hoping to work on getting back into a regular routine of things.

A lot has changed since April...A LOT.  So here's a little update.

1* As of June, Casey and I got a place of our own.  It's seriously the bees knees.  Our little home has a long way to go as far as my Pintrest decorating dreams go but hey its a work in progress.

Here's a little sneak peak of our living room.  It's a work in progress so its by no means ready for it's internet debut.  Maybe some day soon.

2* If you follow me on Instagram, you are very familiar with the addition to our little family. Right after we got our new place, Casey and I got a precious little orange tabby cat.  His name is Weasley and is he makes every day full of a laughter and smiles.

Pretty cute, huh? He is so snuggly and full of personality.  Too cute to handle

3* Casey went back to school and I am so incredibly proud of him.  He's going to school to be a teacher.  He hopes to one day teach history and coach baseball.  In the meantime, he got an incredible opportunity to coach for a middle school here in town while he's taking classes.  The head coach is a high school history teacher and is going to let Casey student teach with him.  I am so excited for the opportunities that are coming his way.  He is one who definitely deserves them.

4* I currently work full time for TLC Property Management.  I work as a leasing agent on one of the biggest apartment complexes in Springfield.  It is exhausting, entertaining, and I learn something new every day.  It's a good job to have so I'm grateful for the opportunity right now.

Anyway, don't give up on me okay?! Blogging and I are getting back together.  It's just a work in progress.  Trying to find how to balance working full time, finishing school, and my life with Casey.  We'll figure it out though!

Until next time,