Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Week Without Words

I feel like Jessica over at Lovely Little Things in my week without words posts.  I post about food and my roommates dog mainly.  Oh well, I like my life :)

1. snugglin on a rainy day
2. fresh delicious salad after I 
finally went to the store!

3. my roommates amazing choc. chip cookies
gluten free of course!
4. gluten free pasta with homemade alfredo sauce, yum 

5. she just stares, all the time. weirdo :)
6. my new favorite scarf

7. my new favorite flats
8. found out starbursts were gluten free.
bad news bears.

9. sushi date with my man last night
10. SOAPing this morning 
(read more of what it is here)


Friday, January 27, 2012

H54F #2

Guess what?! It's finally FRIDAY! I don't know about anybody else but this was a long week for one reason or another and I am excited to do my second High Five for Friday! 

1. my roommate made me some of her famous 
chocolate chip cookies gluten free just for me!
she's the best!

 2. my roommates dog that I just love.
it's been a little chilly so she's been
extra snuggly lately

 3. my new infinity scarf from target. i'm obssesed 
with it! (I even have it on now)

 4. My Elisabeth Ashlie jewelry came in the mail!!
So excited!! I'm in love with them!!

 5. My new nude flats from Target.
Also obsessed with them as well!

Happy Friday! 
Link up with Lauren over at From my Grey Desk!
You know you want too!



Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday

Okay, so I realize I just posted about my Smell the Roses task but I wanted it to have its own post as well as my post for Thoughtful Thursday to not have to share the spotlight.  So here's another little tidbit about myself:

I have a disease called celiac.  If you're not quite sure what that is let me try to explain it in more understandable lingo.  Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease associated with a toxic reaction in the intestines to gluten.  Gluten is the common name for a protein found in specific grains, most specifically wheat.  Incase you were wondering, wheat is in everything.  From chips to crackers to bread to beer to even certain beauty products.  I'll spare you the details but it prevents my body from being able to absorb the necessary nutrients from my food.  I have to scrutinize every piece of food I put in my mouth.

When I was first diagnosed with this, I was relieved.  I had been feeling pretty terrible and it felt good to have a reason behind the misery.  But that feeling quickly left. Lately, I feel discouraged.  I used to love food, all kinds, and now I must watch everything I eat. Although, I am trying to just be thankful that the medicine for this disease is simple, a gluten free diet. Hopefully in time, my body will rebound from all the damage I was doing to it by blindly eating gluten not knowing it was the cause of my misery and I will feel back to normal.  Until then, its a day to day battle.

no more wheat products for me!

On a happier note, I am thrilled to announce that the jewelry I bought from Elisabeth Ashlie finally came in the mail.  Most of you who read this also read The Small Things Blog and From My Grey Desk and they have a jewelry business over on Etsy.  All of it is to die for.  I seriously have to try and not order every single piece of jewelry on there.  Heres a little peek at my new treasures:

I could hardly contain myself to take this 
picture before opening them to find....

these beautiful pieces of art well jewelry
but they're so gorgeous.


**UPDATE** I just ordered more jewelry from Elisabeth Ashlie.  I love their unique style of earrings and necklaces!!  I think I have a problem!! 

Smell the Roses

Okay so one of my favorite blogs, Lovely Little Things, does this really awesome thing every week called Smell the Roses.  Its just a very small task each week to remind us to slow down and appreciate the little things.  Anyway this one was to buy a stranger a cup of coffee.  So here's how it went down:

I decided the easiest way to do this was to buy the car behind me's coffee at Starbucks.  So I got up early for class, made sure I had extra time to stop by Starbucks (bc I normally make my own coffee at home) and get this done.  I was so nervous for some reason, which is totally silly, I am aware.  But what if no one came through the drive through?! Then my whole plan would be foiled. Anyway, I got lucky and a car pulled into the drive through right behind me.  When the girl at the window came to take my card, I just tried to casually say "hey, I'd like to also pay for the car behind me's coffee as well" but it came out more like this "heyi'dliketoalsopayforthecarbehindmescoffeeaswell" yes, my nerves got the best of me.  She didn't understand my gibberish so I repeated myself a little calmer and she just smiled and said "what a great thing to do" I instantly felt relieved.  Anyway, a few minutes later she came back with my skinny vanilla latte and a receipt for the car behind me.  I looked at the receipt and then looked in my rearview mirror to see that I had just bought a mom and her 2 kids their drinks.  She had her head in her hands and looked like she was having a terrible morning.  My heart broke. So I pulled over to the side (kind of creepy sounding I know) and watched as she pulled up to the window and the lady told her her coffee had been paid for.

Seeing her face light up made it so worthwhile and so worth my nerves and slight embarrassment. Not only did this little task make me slow down for a second it also made me realize that even though I have a lot going on in my life, there is someone else out there having a worse day then me.

Anyway, link up with Jessica for this awesome little challenge! Definitely made my week!

Lovely Little Things


Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Week without Words

1. my blog listed in Lovely Little Things 's 
list of blogs she follows!! 
(my first official follower!!)
2. my roommates dog snugglin with me 
as I do homework blog

3. a perfect lazy day spent with Casey
4. school supplies, the only good part about
starting classes

5. my erin condren planner finally came
6. my erin condren planner
7. my erin condren planner in all its glory
(it gets 3 numbers, thats how amazing it is)

8. breaking into the millionaire's club on temple run
9. fruit bar from HyVee, I finally went grocery shopping!
10. my snuggle buddy on a cold morning

another week gone already! I can't believe it's almost February!


ps. special thanks to Jessica over at Lovely Little things for always letting me steal her post ideas.  She is amazing!! Check her out!!

Lovely Little Things

Friday, January 20, 2012

H54F #1

Even though it was only a 4 day school week, it seemed to last forever.  So, I am glad to see Friday be here.  Anyway, here are my 5 favorite things from this week!

1. an awesome lazy sunday with my man.

2. school supplies, i just love them

3. I finally broke into the 
millionaire's club on temple run

4. my erin condren life planner 
finally came in the mail

5. the fruit bar at HyVee, oh so delicious

I'm linking up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk for High Five for Friday and you should too!!



Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday

I've been contemplating all day what to post about today.  I am determined to commit to this blogging thing, even if I do only have 2 followers.  So I decided to start sharing a little something about myself every Thursday.  Something I've decided to call Thoughtful Thursday.  Okay so here we go.

My family is so important to me I couldn't even begin to explain.  They are my #1 priority in my life and I am lucky to have such a great family.  If you go back in my archive to when I was only semi-committed to this blog I have wrote a few times about my stepdad, Keith.

He is hands down the best father a girl could ever ask for.  Granted he's not my biological father, but he is better than that.  He is a father-figure and a best friend and I am so lucky my mom married such a great man.  And now is the time that the phrase "bad things happen to good people" comes into play.  He has stage four glioblastomic brain cancer.  In words you can understand, really bad brain cancer.  The doctors gave him 6 months to live and here we are almost two years later still fighting. 

So, a little something about myself for this Thursday.  My family is so incredibly amazing and we are fighting an incredibly hard battle.  But for the first time in almost two years, we are on the winning end of this battle.  So, if you have ever said a little prayer for my family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Prayers work, so if you're going through a tough time don't ever stop praying.  Don't ever give up.  Because God answers prayers, and looks out for all of us.

"For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go" Psalms 91:11

Until tomorrow, (which I am super excited for because I get to participate in my first High Five Friday!)


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Oh How Pintresting

Once I saw this little blog activity on the web I knew I had to participate in it because my love for pintrest is unreal.  I literally waste more of my time on this is the perfect tool for my procrastination.   So, here we go.  I'm linking up with the vintage apple for this Pintresting Wednesday! 

I literally laughed out loud in the 
computer lab at school when I saw this!
pinned here

this dress is so chic and looks so comfy
pinned here

definitely a pick me up for a hard day so far
pinned here

The one thing I look forward to when 
I have to get a full time job is getting 
to wear cute outfits like this every day
pinned here

love the placement of this
pinned here
pinned here

I need to blow this up and hang it in my apartment.
pinned here nothing makes me more 
mad then tangled headphones
pinned here

must have in my house.asap.
pinned here

 I absolutely cannot wait for this movie.
The books were to die fore.
pinned here

link up, you know you want tooooo!!!

hope you all had a great Wednesday.
happy pinning!



Monday, January 16, 2012

Twelve in 2012

So I've been seeing a lot of blogs lately with a list of 52 things to do in 2012. (See From My Grey Desk & Lovely Little things) but I do know for a fact that I cannot come up with 52 things so I'm going to start with 12 things to do in 2012. So here we go:

12 things to do in 2012

  1. excercise at least 3 times a week
  2. spend more time crafting/being creative
  3. participate in High Five Friday with Lauren from From My Grey Desk
  4. grow my hair out, finally
  5. make dinner every night for a week
  6. spend the entire day watching Netflix
  7. make A's in all my classes this semester (a girl can dream right?)
  8. take a vacation with Casey
  9. save at least $20 each month towards Casey and I's apartment fund
  10. graduate college, finally
  11. get involved with a church
  12. get a big girl job

The best part about this already getting to scratch one off.  Yesterday Casey and I spent the entire day being lazy and watching our TV shows on Netflix and boy was it great.  Maybe as the year goes on I can think of a few more things to add to it.  Anyway, what all are you going to do this year? Hope you make it a great one :)


**UPDATE** 1/26/12: I am happy to report I get to cross something else off my list!
3. participate in High Five Friday with Lauren from From My Grey Desk

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Well I officially failed at my new goal, but hey its a new year so maybe we can give this whole blogging thing a try again.  I've been perusing the blog world in my very limited spare time and am inspired by the women in the blogging community.  Even though nothing very interesting goes on in my life, I'm going to attempt to link up with a few blog ladies and their blogging activities.  We will see how this goes.

Break has been nothing short of a whirlwind.  Classes begin again in 2 days and I am looking forward to it.  I'm ready for the routine of it all.  I am definitely a creature of habit.  Break was wonderful, stressful, exhausting but I definitely loved every second of the family time.

On Monday, Keith received his second stable MRI in a row since being taken off of one of his chemos.  I am so extraordinarily grateful for the blessings my family continues to receive.  Every day is a blessing to have my stepdad still in my life.  So if you're out there, praying for my family, thank you does not even begin to explain my gratitude.  The doctors are cautiously optimistic with Keith's prognosis and if you have ever known anyone with cancer, the doctors don't use that word when speaking about the future.  We are so excited to be on the winning end of this battle for the first time in a while.  Keep praying, its obviously working.
