Saturday, March 31, 2012


Lately, I've been feeling inspired at the weirdest moments.  When I lay down to go to sleep, when I'm working on an article at work, in the shower.  Totally random.

I've been feeling slightly cluttered in my room.  It clutters my head being in there, and I don't like that.   I live in a small apartment so my space is always limited.  I also am trying to avoid any large projects because I will probably be moving sometime in the near future.

So I settled for tackling my desk. It had become such a catch all for random papers and stuff I couldn't even use it for blogging homework or studying


Okay so I had every intention of snapping a before photo of my cluttered desk.  Really I did.  And then I got home from gathering a few supplies and just started pulling stuff off my desk.  When I finally realized I had failed my duties as a blogger, it was too late.  Alas, just picture a crazy catch all of papers and well just junk.  Clutter.

//corkboards for little tid bits and memories. Oh and maybe reminders
//quotes that contribute to this weeks Smell the Roses post

//clean desk = room for my computer, my Erin Condren life planner, or other school books

//one of my favorite quotes
//see that little card, its from Jessica over at Lovely Little Things!

//ticket stubs from all of the movies/sports games Casey and I have been too
//that black card is how Casey asked me to be his girlfriend; he pulled the whole "check yes or no"
[he's a keeper, I know]

//my dry erase speech bubble for random quotes
//my Erin Condren wall calendar that I love
//sorority pictures from the last two bid days

What do you guys think?  It's already making me feel less cluttered and stressed when I study or blog.  And it is such an inspirational little area.  Happy girl.

So tell me, what inspires you? I'd love to know!

Until next time,

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Published, Again!

Hey guys,

Guess what! It's time to read another entry in my intern diaries.  It won't matter much to you guys because its about my company and its users.  But still.  Super exciting for me to be published.  Its a pretty good feeling.  If you have nothing else to read, check me out!

Intern Diaries Ch. 3


Hunger Games Movie

Ohhh, the anticipation.  Was it killing you like it was me?  I decided to let the weekend pass before posting this so that more people would have seen the movie by now.  I read the book in a matter of days and was hooked from then on.  The intense story line just sucked me in and I couldn't put the book down.  So when I heard that there was a movie coming out I was pumped to say the least.

Now as a disclaimer I'm going to post my opinion on movies based on books.  I think that when transferring a book into a screenplay some of the small details that keep you hooked when reading can be cut out without ruining the story line.  The action and visual of a movie keeps you locked in while in a book you are trying to visualize in your mind the story.  The small details of a book are needed to keep the story alive in your mind.  With that said, people are already criticizing the movie on details left out.

I believe that the producers did an incredible job on the screenplay of this movie.  The filmography of this movie was impeccable.  If a detail was cut out for time purposes, they made sure to connect the gaps so that if you hadn't read the books, you would still understand the story.  It was not only action packed and kept you on the edge of your seat for the entire 2 hours and 22 minutes but also the acting of Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Stanley Tucci, Woody Harrelson and other main characters was flawless. 

Granted, some of the relationships between Peeta and Katniss and also Haymitch and Katniss were a touch glossed over if you ask me.  I am hoping that they will further develop these relationships in the next movie.  Casey has not read the books and went to see the movie and did a pretty good job of following along.  But everyone has different opinions.

Since the Hunger Games came out over my spring break, I decided that for the first time I would brave the madness of a midnight premier.  It was worth every second [and my exhaustion that followed the next day].  My roommate, her sister, and I had a blast with a theatre full of teenagers.

Me, my roommate, Jordan, and her sister, Kelsey
[why yes, I am rocking a Hunger Games shirt]

Kelsey and I in our matching District 12 shirts

I rocked a Katniss-style braid [altered slightly for my short hair] for the movie.
This is also the product of boredom from sitting in a theatre for 3 hours.

My midnight premiere ticket!

So I want to know, what did you think of the Hunger Games movie?  Was it everything you hoped it would be?  It pretty much was for me.  I will be seeing this movie again as soon as possible.  I'm sure it will be even better the second time.

Until next time, and may the odds, be ever in your favor :)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Two Years

Two years ago my family and I received a devastating phone call that has forever changed our lives.  Two years ago on this day, my parents received news that my stepdad, Keith's, scan showed a tumor in his brain.

An inoperable tumor.

At first, I panicked.  At first, I cried.  Keith is practically my father.  I was terrified for him.  But it was then that I felt the peace and comfort of God wash over me and I knew from then on that I was going to be strong.  Even though I felt weak.  That we were going to fight.  Even though I didn't know how.  We were never going to stop fighting.

From then we received even more devastating news that it was cancer, stage four, glioblastomic brain cancer.  [see the post I wrote about it a while back here].  The doctors gave him six months to live.  Screw them.   We researched and found a doctor who would operate on his tumor.  He survived 16 hours of brain surgery, chemo, radiation, more chemo, and now an anti angiogenic therapy called Avastin [see more about his journey here and here

He has fought.

He has persevered.

And I so am happy to say that two years later he is still here.   Two years ago, I was terrified.  Terrified of losing someone so important to me to this terrible disease.  Even though some days I still am terrified,  I am hopeful.  Hopeful for many more years of happiness with him.

If you have ever said a small prayer or even had a side thought about my family and my stepdad's continued fight to beat this cancer, thank you  I will never be able to find the words to thank you enough.

Today we are thankful, and we will never stop fighting.

Until next time,


Long time no see!

I apologize for my absence the last few weeks maybe even.  First and foremost I was on spring break which was nothing short of glorious.  Nothing like laying on the couch and eating my mom's divine cooking for a week. Oh and going to the midnight premiere of The Hunger Games.  [more on that later] But also, I was feeling in sort of a blogging rut.  I participated in the Girl Behind the Blog Vlog link up [you can check out my awkwardness here if you missed it] a while back and that's when I got about 90% of my followers that I have now.  But since then the growth of my little blog has plateaued and I wasn't sure where to go from there.

But I've decided to just forge through this rut.  Short posts, long posts, I'm going to keep you all updated on my ever so interesting life.  I also hope you'll stick through my rut with me!  I want this blog to continue to grow so sometimes I guess it will just have to go through some growing pains.   Writing has always been a passion of mine and blogging is such an outlet to be creative.  I keep a few writing works on my computer that I work on from time to time.  Maybe I'll share them on here some day.  That's a super big step for me!  Plus I've met so many wonderful women through all of this.

Anyway, I hope you'll stick with me.  If you have any tips or tricks, I am always open to suggestions and love hearing from you all!  Hope your lives are all wonderful and full of joy!

Until next time,

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week Without Words

Nothing much happened this week.  But here are just a few pictures from my week.

one. view from my desk on a cold rainy day. Cozy right?
two. the weather is going to be incredible the next few days.
three. sushi date for Casey's birthday
four. my casetagram phone case finally came in! How great is it?


Friday, March 9, 2012

H54F #6

This has been the longest week of my life for one reason or another.  Plus my spring break is a week away.  Just taunting me.  I can't wait to for spring break.  Oh well.  I'm linking up for another High Five for Friday with Lauren.

Here are my top 5:

A while back Meg over at Sweetly Complicated posted a recipe for Greek Salsa Chicken. [you can check it out here]  I share a common love for Greek food with Meg and I had to make it.  It was beyond delicious.  I had it with some gluten free pasta with a white sauce I made.  Yum.

I moved desks at work.  I'm loving my new little area. I have the perfect view of the office and I am close to our fireplace heater which is good because it is always cold in the office!

This little guy came home with me from the mall the other day.  I couldn't leave without it.  It is the perfect size for school.  I'm in love. 

Another delicious gluten free meal I made.  Lemon Herb Shrimp & Broccoli Alfredo.  It is to die for.  I found the recipe online and modified it a bit to be gluten free for me.  I used one of those Philadelphia cream cheese cooking cremes.  They are SO good.  

I got a little mail surprise from Jessica over at Lovely Little Things.  She is seriously the sweetest girl ever.  Plus the nail polish.  I love it!  I already took off the nail polish I had on and repainted them. I seriously love my blog friends so much.  xox

I'm linking up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk.
Check her out!



Monday, March 5, 2012


I don't know about you but I just love birthdays.  And not just mine, everyones!  I think birthdays should always be celebrated.  Well today is my wonderful boyfriend's birthday.  The ripe old age of 24.  He's getting a new pair of baseball shoes (since he's a baseball coach) and I'm going to take him out to our favorite sushi place when he has a night off work!  I also made him this little craft, the ABCs of our love.  I saw something similar to it online and loved it.  Plus my boyfriend loves cheesy things.

1.  First I made a word document with all of the letters of the alphabet.
2.  I used a size 200 font to make the letters extra big.
3.  I then went through and made each letter a different color and font.  Mix and match!

4.  Then I went through and added something I loved or a characteristic of us for each letter.  Not gonna lie, some of those letters were hard!
5.  Then I made the cover for it.

6.  I then uploaded the document to FedEx Printing.  You can format it to print however you want.  I chose to use card stock and have it hole punched at the top with two holes.
(If you have your own printer, you could do all of this from home.  I don't and this was SUPER easy and only cost $20 to print it all)
7.  I picked up my prints and was thrilled! Then I used two rings and threaded them through the holes, making it like a flip book.
8.  I then took 3 wooden hearts of various sizes and painted them pink.

9.  Once dry, I hot glued them to the cover.
10.  Voila!

What do you think?  This is super easy to make and perfect for birthdays, Valentine's Day, anniversaries, or whenever! Hope you are all having a great Monday!


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Long hair, Don't care

Happy Saturday! I hope you are enjoying the weekend!

Okay so my hair isn't really all that long.  But to me, it is!  And its long enough to curl and not look like Shirley Temple!  And that is super exciting for me!

What do you guys think??

Casey and I went to his parents house tonight for his little brothers birthday and I curled my hair and wore one of my new Everlane V-necks.  These shirts are seriously the most comfortable shirts I have ever worn.  And I practically live in V-necks.  You're probably thinking a V-neck is a V-neck.  But it's not!  These are so soft and fit just right. I'm in love.  Check them out here

Shirt: Everlane
Jeans: Gap
Shoes: TOMs Flats
Jewelry: Elisabeth Ashlie

Anyway, just wanted to share a little outfit.  Happy Weekend!


Friday, March 2, 2012

H54F #5

It is Friday!  Thank the good Lord.  This week has been one that has tested me that's for sure.  School is so exhausting and discouraging.  Blah.  But that's okay because I am linking up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk for High Five For Friday.  Here are a few highlights:

I'm linking up for the March Photo A Day Challenge on Instagram!
I was really bummed I missed the February one so this should be fun.
You can follow me on Instagram over on the side bar!

I am happy to announce that my hair is long enough to go into a top knot.
With only a few clips but it goes up! And looks great!

I bought my ticket to the midnight premiere of the Hunger Games!
I've never been so to a midnight premiere and I'm so excited to go to this one!

I finished part of Casey's birthday present this week.  I'd show it but he's known to browse my blog from time to time and I don't want to ruin it. But check back on Monday to see it!

I ordered this SUPER cute new wallet from Kailo Chic's Etsy store.  She has tons of cute stuff and you should definitely check her out.  It should be here next week!  I'm so excited.

Link up with Lauren, come on! It's fun :)



Thursday, March 1, 2012

Product Spotlight

So I have a new favorite chapstick.  I didn't think it could happen.  I'm not much of a lipgloss girl, to me it dries out my lips.  But I've been wanting a little bit of color on my lips lately.  So I found this chapstick through Lauren over at From My Grey Desk.  It's Mark's Totally Balmed tinted lip balm.  They have several different shades, and I bought it in "Totally Sweet"  It's the perfect pink touch on your lips and keeps them so soft!  And it's only $2.99 and there are limited supplies so go check it out!!

Next is another nail color that I like a lot.  It's a great pale pink.  My only complaint is that it took several coats to get it to be this color.  Once again I used Sally Hansen's Complete Salon Manicure in "Shell We Dance?"  You can check it out here.  I love this nail polish because like I said before it has a top coat built right in!  I also added a heart on my ring finger because well I felt like it!

What do you guys think? What's your favorite nail polish color? Let me know!!
