Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Week without Words

1. my blog listed in Lovely Little Things 's 
list of blogs she follows!! 
(my first official follower!!)
2. my roommates dog snugglin with me 
as I do homework blog

3. a perfect lazy day spent with Casey
4. school supplies, the only good part about
starting classes

5. my erin condren planner finally came
6. my erin condren planner
7. my erin condren planner in all its glory
(it gets 3 numbers, thats how amazing it is)

8. breaking into the millionaire's club on temple run
9. fruit bar from HyVee, I finally went grocery shopping!
10. my snuggle buddy on a cold morning

another week gone already! I can't believe it's almost February!


ps. special thanks to Jessica over at Lovely Little things for always letting me steal her post ideas.  She is amazing!! Check her out!!

Lovely Little Things

1 comment:

  1. yay for being your first follower :)
    And obviously big YAY for the EC planner - the best!

