Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Published, Again!

Hey guys,

Guess what! It's time to read another entry in my intern diaries.  It won't matter much to you guys because its about my company and its users.  But still.  Super exciting for me to be published.  Its a pretty good feeling.  If you have nothing else to read, check me out!

Intern Diaries Ch. 3



  1. Hey, there! I just came upon your blog and love it! We have lots in common, I'm short (us short people get to wear the best heels!), live gluten-free and my boyfriend is completely the rock to my spastic personality! Loved looking around your blog and can't wait to read more! Newest follower :)

    1. oh my goodness! We are similar! Thank you so much! I look forward to reading around your blog as well!!


  2. Congrats on being published :) I also tagged you in a question thing on my blog! Check it out! xox
