Monday, February 6, 2012

Smell the Roses

It's time to link up with Jessica over at Lovely Little things! One of my favorite girls, blogs, and link ups that happen every week!  This week the task included a list of 5 things we love about ourselves.  So here we go!!

Lovely Little Things

I am me.
I am never afraid to be myself and I am pretty proud of that fact.
It took me a long time to get to this place and I love that about myself.

I am strong.
I have some difficult things going on in my life and I always seem
 to find the strength somewhere, somehow.
(Jesus has a lot to do with this)

I am a do-er.
I put my mind to something and it gets done.  I am OCD to a certain extent
and I just love to make lists and cross things off.  It puts my mind at ease.

I am funny.
I like to think that I have a good sense of humor.  I literally LIVE to make
my friends and family laugh.  It is the best feeling in the world.

I am very optimistic.
No matter how hard my life gets I stay positive.  Kind of goes along with
my blog name.  No matter what there is always tomorrow.

Link up! You know you want too!
Hope you all had a fabulous Monday!



  1. Hey girl! Found your blog on the link up. Love your number 5. I always admire people that tend to see the glass as half full!


  2. #3 - yesss me too :)
    And #1 is super respectable ... love that because so many people are afraid to be who they are. get it girl!

